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- Prof. Gretschmann on austerity policy: On 14 October 2016, Prof. Gretschmann gave a presentation in Bonn (BAPP) in the context of Prof. Sturm’s research project on austerity. Gretschmann’s presentation was entitled „Austerity Policy – High Road or Thorny Trail in Economic Policy Making?”. Two publications will be forthcoming on this subject. [download I] [download II]
- New article: Klaus Gretschmann has authored a new article „A different Europe is feasible: citizen participation, referenda and preferenda as a means to cope with Europe’s crises”. It will come out in Bodo Hombach, Edmund Stoiber (eds.), „From dream to bogeyman? How to make Europe referendum-proof” [download]
- Our highly anticipated blockbuster „Revolutionising EU Innovation Policy – Pioneering the Future” was released in August. It has been commended by former EU Commissioner and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti as well as by Herman Van Rompuy, former Prime Minister of Belgium and President of the European Council of Heads of States and Governments. [download]
- What am I working on these days?
Brexit: Advisory activities for business and politics preparing them for Great Britain’s exit from the European Union.
EU Capital Market Union – from solution to problem: short study.
Risk reduced products – a study covering economic and political analyses and evaluation.
- The volume „A Global Perspective on the European Economic Crisis” edited by Bruno Dallago et. al. released in June with Routledge publishers. Prof Gretschmann’s article entitled „The EU in Stormy Seas – Beginning of the End or End of the Beginning” is a major centerpiece thereof. [download]
- High Level Group on EU Innovation Policy:
The works of the HLG in various compositions is moving ahead. Prof. Gretschmann sees the activities through in his capacity as Senior Advisor. On 22 November 2016 the group will meet in plenary in Brussels in order to discuss intermediate results of the subgroups – circular economy; governance and regulatory innovation; industry 4.0; research funding – and decide upon further steps to be taken. One of the initiatives centers upon a major conference under Maltese EU Presidency in collaboration with the Salzburg Center of European Union Studies (SCEUS) focusing on „Defining the European Public Good and Innovating the Welfare State”.
- Next Europe: For unforeseen private reasons, Prof. Gretschmann had to suspend his cooperation and contribution to this important project run by the European Academy of the Sciences and Arts. On 27 Oct 2016 a first presentation of the research results took place in Salzburg.
- In close cooperation with the European Academy of Science the encompassing project "Next Europe – In Search of its New Narrative" with KGR on the Board is on track. [download]
- The High Level Group on Innovation Policy has started its follow-up works and implementation projectsin close co-operation with KGR. [download]
- During the summer it became clear that KGR was subject to wiretapping and eavesdropping by the NSA during his active time in the Chancellery. [download]
- Published in November – Interview with KGR about his experience and role as a G8 Sherpa and beyond [download]
- The book "Revolutionizing EU Innovation Policy – Pioneering the Future" edited by KGR and SAS has entered the printing phase and will be on the market in early 2016: Palgrave/Springer [download]
- Just released: the 700 pages conference volume "Facing the Challenges in the European Union" edited by E. Latoszek et al., to which Klaus Gretschmann contributed an article entitled "High Road or Thorny Trail? - Re-designing EU Innovation Policy for a Turbulent World". [download]
- On 26 October 2015 Prof. Gretschmann participated in the Autumn Session of the Scientific Council of BAPP, University of Bonn [download]
- On April 13, the EU Commission has appreciated the work of the High Level Group on Innovation Policy, chaired by Prof. Gretschmann, on the Website of the Directorate-General GROWTH. [see abstract PDF]
- At last released (April 2015): "A New Narrative - Social-innovative Market Economy" by Klaus Gretschmann, in: Bodo Hombach, Alexander Schweitzer (eds.), Venturing Arguments - Economic Strength and Social Reason in a New Balance, [download]
- Professors Gretschmann and Schepers have authored a compact and critical article on EU innovation policy in 8 languages (EN, DE, FR, PL, ES, IT, GR, NL) entitled: "Trailblazing the Future: EU Innovation Policy Remake" [download]
- The second mandate of the HLG on Innovation Policy Management ended in 2014
Cf. also:
Report Dublin Meeting [download]
Report Amsterdam Meeting [download]
Link to HLG website: www.highlevelgroup.eu
- ... work on my book "Europe between Self Assertiveness and Self Deception", 2016 continues