CATE - standing for Competence and Advisory Team Europe - is a small but select network of EU experts who follow closely general trends and individual EU dossiers in Brussels. CATE co-operates with partners in Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm, Brussels and Munich.
It is CATE’s mission to serve Europe’s citizens and enterprises, to promote its values and ideals and to contribute well-founded opinions and compelling arguments in order to improve European legislation and rectifying regulations where necessary. In so doing we do wish to help reinstate Europe’s attractiveness. This requires deep knowledge of the key players and decision-makers, of the legislative procedures and processes and of the proponents and opponents of individual dossiers.
CATE uses a toolkit that provides analyses, develops strategies, gives early warnings and briefings, and delivers publications, lectures and press work. All of these are meant to help lay the groundwork for decisions of enterprises, politicians, senior civil servants and social groupings as well as for giving advice and a helping hand where needed and requested.
Knowledge creation, innovation, cooperation, competitiveness, sustainability and citizens’ preferences are main pillars supporting Europe’s future. European identity is in urgent need of identity-makers. The participation of those involved and those affected by European decisions is the tall order of the day! We do need Europe more than ever, but we do not need more Europe of the outdated overly bureaucratic kind. Another Europe is possible.
Against this backdrop, CATE cooperates closely with experts from business, academia and politics as well as from think-tanks and EU and Member States institutions.